Distance, 2013.
Iron-fused plastic shopping bags on wooden stretcher.
32 x 24 inches

Untitled. 2015
Plastics on wooden stretcher
18 x 20 inches

Haze (left). Glow (right). 2015
40 x 38 inches
Photo credit: Checko Salgado / Focalchrome

Solo exhibition, PARALLELS (MFA thesis exhibition). 2015.

Archive Series, 2014.
Iron-fused plastics (shopping bags, tablecloths, mylar balloon and emergency blanket) encased in artist-built, archival frames.

10 years after fabrication, the plastic I used to fabricate my “Archive Series” work exhibits very limited decay – a reminder of the remarkably stable nature of “disposable” plastic objects in our daily lives.

Archive 4. 2014
Residual plastic in hand-built frame
16 x 15 inches
Photo credit: Checko Salgado / Focalchrome

Distance, 2013.
Iron-fused plastic shopping bags on wooden stretcher.
32 x 24 inches
Untitled. 2015
Plastics on wooden stretcher
18 x 20 inches
Haze (left). Glow (right). 2015
40 x 38 inches
Photo credit: Checko Salgado / Focalchrome
Solo exhibition, PARALLELS (MFA thesis exhibition). 2015.
Archive Series, 2014.
Iron-fused plastics (shopping bags, tablecloths, mylar balloon and emergency blanket) encased in artist-built, archival frames.
10 years after fabrication, the plastic I used to fabricate my “Archive Series” work exhibits very limited decay – a reminder of the remarkably stable nature of “disposable” plastic objects in our daily lives.
Archive 4. 2014
Residual plastic in hand-built frame
16 x 15 inches
Photo credit: Checko Salgado / Focalchrome